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4 years 6 months ago #555341 by ningling2016
ningling2016 created the topic: HAVING TO LOOKING FOR BUY WOW CLASSIC GOLD
As someone at a guild that does mythic I've even noticed the absence of fresh recruits and people slowly bleeding out of the roster, particularly now as it's the last raid tier and Classic wow gold this patch is gon na na tug for a long ass time, so people leave to do other stuff until the next expansion. Even I am not enjoying as actively as I used to because I think this patch is atrocious, I just log to get a weekly raid and 1 night to conduct secrets with my M+ team (down from the usual 3 nights we used to operate ) and spend all of my remaining free time replaying the Bioshock, Fallout and Devil May Cry series while waiting for shadowlands to edge somewhat closer.

I'm not someone who recruits to get a guild nor a GM/officer but I think the best thing to do now is just wait for when shadowlands is going to drop as people will return due to the hype and there is likely to be a flood of new and returning guildless folks looking to trial. That is, if your guild can survive that. This is my experience. Retail guild expired because not enough people showed up for next night of Mythic raid on Saturday.

It has been a problem for weeks and it was finally the breaking point to the leadership. The raid group has changed during each tier of BfA. Just the leadership, myself along with two/three different members have been in the guild/raid team because Uldir (and I only go for the initial Heroic Prog/Farm) so that they got tired of bleeding WOW players/losing WOW players and disbanded.

Having to looking for Buy wow classic gold a new guild on Retail sucks even on Stormrage, particularly at the end of an expac. I'm thinking of just rerolling Horde or playing on a server that is smaller to discover a new guild to cover with.

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