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Does Medicare Part B cover prescription drugs? Part B covers most drugs administered by your provider or at a dialysis facility, but the provider or facility must buy and supply the drugs. Part B also covers some outpatient prescription drugs, mainly certain oral cancer drugs (chemotherapy).
Is malaria a disease? Cause. Malaria is caused by the protozoan parasite Plasmodium. Human malaria is caused by four different species of Plasmodium: P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. ovale and P. vivax. Humans occasionally become infected with Plasmodium species that normally infect animals, such as P. knowlesi.
Can antibiotic cure malaria? Antibiotic to be used in malaria fight. AN antibiotic commonly used in mouthwash, deodorants and anti-acne creams may soon be used to treat malaria, a study suggests. Researchers have found that an injection of triclosan can destroy the parasite responsible for the disease.
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Which anti malarial drug is best? Conclusion: While Doxycycline is the cheapest anti - malarial drug on the market, it is usually recommended as a last resort to patients who are traveling to areas with chloroquine-resistant strands of malaria, and who don't wish to take mefloquine.
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