If Rocket Alliance were to cease Steam sales but abide to be authentic there, I account how Valve would feel about that deal. Valve would abide to Rocket League Keys accomplish money from complete Steam players who absorb money aural Rocket League—buying keys for the exceptional Rocket Passes, for instance—but it'd still be a awe-inspiring situation. We'll accept to adjournment and see how that develops.
It isn't declared in the columnist release, but we can aswell apprehend Epic's cross-platform accompany and matchmaking arrangement to be implemented so that Steam players can play with Ballsy Abundance players, forth with all of the animate players we can already play with.
In a Q&A on the Rocket Alliance website, Psyonix states that the gameplay will not be changing—not that I'd apprehend it to
because of the acquisition—but that the new affairs should bolster the advancing amphitheatre with new assets for esports events.